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Empowering Wellness,

Embracing Potential:

Transforming Lives

Through Healing and Possibility 

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Empowerment:At the heart of everything I do lies a deep commitment to empowerment. I believe in empowering individuals to discover their inner strength, embrace their unique potential, and unleash the limitless possibilities that reside within them. Through empowerment, we can transcend limitations, cultivate resilience, and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Holistic Well-being:I am dedicated to promoting holistic well-being that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. I believe in the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and mental health, and the profound impact it has on our overall wellness. By prioritizing holistic well-being, we can achieve balance, vitality, and harmony in all aspects of our lives.


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Awards and accolades

Santa Barbara Local Hero | Congressional Award  | Zumba Hero Award | Advisory Board Member; Women in Leadership UCSB 

Learn more about Josette

Trusted by thousands to help transform lives- One of  DailyOM's top 3 digital authors.

Healing:My journey of overcoming disease and self-healing has instilled in me a profound belief in the transformative power of healing. I advocate for healing on all levels - physical, emotional, and spiritual - and support individuals in their quest for wholeness, restoration, and self-discovery. Healing is a journey of self-compassion, growth, and renewal that leads to profound transformation and empowerment.

Possibility:I am a firm believer in the boundless possibilities that exist within each person. I see potential as a spark of light waiting to be ignited, a seed of greatness yearning to blossom. By embracing the realm of possibility, we can transcend limitations, embrace growth, and manifest our dreams into reality. I am dedicated to inspiring others to step into their full potential, embrace uncertainty, and create a life filled with purpose and meaning.

Anne B

You've found it.

This Zumba (I hate to call it "class") is joyful, intense, energetic, and good for the body and soul. There is so much positivity in the room, so much energy, such beautiful dancing! But you don't have to be a Beautiful Dancer. You need to be All In and ready to dance with reckless abandon. The crowd is welcoming and non-judgmental, Josette is inspiring and amps up the energy. You really can feel the joy rising up out of the room.


There is no zumba like Josette zumba. She is all heart, soul and LOVE. The class is an epic adventure of celebration and incredible cardio fitness! The community is one big giant family and we are the luckiest folks in the world to have Josette!











Supporting Women in all areas including Leadership and Entrepreneurship:I am passionate about being a champion for women's empowerment and success. I am committed to supporting women in realizing their leadership potential, pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams, and breaking barriers in male-dominated industries. Through mentorship, advocacy, and collaboration, I strive to create a world where women thrive, lead with confidence, and make a lasting impact.

The inspired Entrepeneur

Transform your passions into a thriving business that uplifts the world.  This is the ONLY business school you need!  I Intertwine passion, purpose, and profit, teaching you not just how to succeed, but how to thrive and make a difference.

Be the leader, visionary, and entrepreneur you were born to be

 Recovery Roadmap: How I healed Autoimmune

Say goodbye to the limitations of  Autoimmune disease and hello to a life of freedom, vitality, and wellness.  This course shares My Healing Blueprint: Step-by-step guide on how I conquered RA and became disease free.

Healing Blueprint

 Creative Visualization

Harness the Power of Visualization. Take the leap today. Shape tomorrow. Live a life crafted by you, for you. Life by Design: The power of Creative Visualization is not just about seeing the future. It's about making it.

Start My Pathway to Possibilities

 FREE Library

My Gifts to help you on your journey.

Free Library









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