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"One day you will tell your story and

it will be someone else's survival guide."

-Brene Brown



In 2011, Josette was diagnosed with severe sudden onset of advanced rheumatoid arthritis, known as RA.  RA is an Autoimmune disorder that is incredibly painful and debilitating. The disease effectively turns your immunie system against you and your body attacks itself.  There is no known cure and most with advanced RA have a dismal prognosis of pain and rapid disability.  The long list of lifelong medications has an equally long list of side effects, including death. 

The disease was excruciating for Josette on more than just physical levels.  Her left elbow fused almost immediately after diagnosis, a process that she recalls was “horrific to experience as [I] witnessed my own body destroying itself.  Beyond the physical horror, there was a complete loss of identity.   I entered the darkest emotional and spiritual moments of my life.”  As a former professional dancer (graduate of The Juilliard School, former  pro at Joffrey Ballet and more) Josette entered into a total loss of her ability to move, and the person she had up until that moment thought she was. 

Josette’s son Tomas, was 2. - he became the catalyst for the “I MUST find a way out” that started her inner journey of discovery. “Tomas always saw in me an invincible super hero.  He never saw my illness.  In his innocence and raw authenticity his love for me and mine for him became my single pointed reason.  My why.”. Josette made the decision to seek another way, without meds, even though every doctor told her there was no other way. 

 “I needed to be the hero my son believed I was.  

They were wrong. I Found the way. It is my passion now to share it.” 

Josette was declared a medical miracle for self healing and completely reversing her autoimmune disease. She has NED (No Evidence of Disease) in bloodwork and has remained that way for over 10 years. 

She went on to create what is globally known as the worlds most well attended Zumba Class and has spoken about our intrinsic power to heal and create extraordinary lives on radio shows, podcasts and workshops around the world. 

Among the many awards and recognition she has received are Santa Barbara Hero,  Congressional Award for bringing Extraordinary health and wellness to community; and a Zumba Fitness Hero . 

END/PAIN Documentary

Josette's Story by END/PAIN (Link opens in new window)

Josette's Class Story Documentary

Josette's Zumba Story


Expert in Field 

Natural healing


Mindfulness and Magic


Impact Business Strategies

Featured as Expert

Quantum Miracles Mastery Panel

Josette joined Dr. Bruce Lipton, Jack Canfield, Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., Sue Morter; Lynn Mctaggert and more in a special series teaching Quantum Miracles.

Featured As Expert

Josette Featured as expert in Leaders Transforming Global Consciousness Summit

University Level Advisory Board Position

Josette sits as an Advisory Board member for the Women in Leadership Program at University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)

Named a Santa Barbara Local HERO

Josette received the honor of being named a Local Hero by the City of Santa Barbara for bringing health and wellness to her Community.  She also received a Congressional Honor for Leadership in health and wellness.

Named Best online Zumba Instructor 

VERYWELLFIT names Josette as Best Zumba Instructor Online globally.



The journey of healing is not for the light hearted.  Once I made the decision to forgo the meds and try healing my body naturally I hit many speed bumps.  Alchemy was not what I had imagined, but it presented itself.  I began to research the deeper meanings, the causes of disease and how I created my own reality.  I studied quantum physics, became so well versed on Law of Attraction and the laws of the universe.  I took 2 steps forward and sometimes 3 back.  I began teaching Zumba, not because I thought I could, but because I still felt that maybe, just maybe, the doctors were right, and I would be at the last moments of being able to dance.

Ultimately, I found my way.  I healed my body, (Declared a Medical Miracle for No Evidence Of Disease in bloodwork) my mind, and my spirit.  The light inside me that is inside all of us ignited to a blaze, my Zumba class began to fill top capacity.  The energy in the room during class, a palpable bliss.   


"I am convinced that sharing our stories serves as a beacon for others seeking to know what is possible.  Ultimately, our story becomes part of the collective path forward and evolution of what can be."- Josette